Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Turn down the heat

Just a quick update for you. Brooklyn is now 4 lbs, 5 oz (1982 grams). Her temp was high all day today so they were nudging her Isolate temp down to keep her from over heating. When I went in for her 7pm feeding, I noticed that her respers (breath rate) were REALLY high - average is around 30-40 though she was between 100 & 120. Her nurse said it was most likely from being overheated. We took her out of the Isolate and changed her, weighed her, etc. As her temperature began averaging out, her respers returned to normal. I asked when they were planning on switching her to an open-air crib since she was already passed the 1800 gram mark (4 lbs). Her nurse went and talked to the physician and they will continue to turn the heat down until she's maintaining the temp on her own which means that by tomorrow evening, she should be in an open crib!! What a praise! I cannot wait to be able to see her all swaddled up and being more like a normal newborn! :D

She looked wonderful tonight and her color was awesome (meaning she was doing GREAT with her breathing). I was able to talk to her and she stared at me for a long time during her feeding before snuggling up and falling back to sleep. I so greatly enjoy these longer periods of awake time that she has been having. She was fed twice today from a bottle and as long as she's awake, she should be fed one more time this evening! Each day she shows improvement! :)

I can't wait to see her in her crib tomorrow! Please keep praying for little Brooklyn!! Just a few more weeks and hopefully we'll be able to bring our little princess home for good! :)

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