Thursday, October 22, 2009

An End in Sight

Tonight's visit to the NICU was one of the most encouraging yet. Brooklyn attempted the Haberman bottle at every feeding and took 4 or 5 entire bottles. She is now up to 5 lbs, too!! My little princess is looking so much more like a newborn and much less like a preemie, though she is still tiny. :)

One of my favorite nurses had her tonight and we chatted for the entirety of my visit to the NICU. I love that there are such caring and personable nurses taking care of my baby girl. Kara (tonight's nurse) talked to Dr. Stevens and I will get to attempt breastfeeding once a day beginning with my visit tomorrow!! I am so excited! If Brooklyn goes to total bottle feedings for 24 hours, we'll be able to go to care-by-parent!! *see bottom of page for explanation* Kara told me that she didn't want me to bank on it but there's a good chance that she could be just a week from coming home!! I am SO excited!! She will have her car seat evaluation tonight (she'll sit in the car seat for an hour while still on the monitors for signs of breathing problems to make sure she doesn't need a preemie seat). Kara is also scheduling her hearing test and started giving me instructions on what we'll need to do before Brooklyn can be released. So PLEASE pray that our little Brooklyn continues to improve so that we can have her home by the beginning of November! My mom is supposed to be here through the 6th or 7th and it would be such a blessing to have her home before Mom heads back to Texas!

*For those of you who aren't sure what care-by is, its when Paul and I stay in a room across from the NICU (picture a normal hotel room w/o windows) and take care of Brooklyn on our own for a specific period of time (ranging from 1 night to a week depending on the baby). We will take her into the NICU for her vitals and if she's gaining weight good and not having any desats while we're there, she'll get to go home.


  1. Woohoooooo Brooklyn! I hope she passes everything and gets to come home soon!

  2. Wow Kate! That is super exciting news. Brooklyn is quite the little trooper!
