Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 9

Soon I'll be able to literally start counting DOWN the days instead of watching the days I'm here increase (i.e. the title). Dr. Williams is supposed to give me a definite date and time tomorrow and I'm excited to be able to count down the hours until I meet Brooklyn and can sleep in my own bed again.

I went to bed last night feeling a bit clammy and "odd feeling" but didn't think a whole lot of it. This morning, I awoke feeling much as I did last night except that I now also felt nauseated. I thought breakfast might help but I honestly couldn't talk myself into ordering anything. I mentioned to my nurse how I was feeling and she brought me apple juice and graham crackers to see if they would help settle my stomach. They did a little but I was still feeling a tad crummy. After my NST, I ended up falling back to sleep and slept hard until 11am! I know that its not as if I have a lot to do but I have to admit that sleeping that late makes me feel guilty. The plus though was that I was feeling much better. I ordered lunch - a yummy PBJ - and was able to eat it all plus the plate of fruit I always order.

My afternoon was spent reading and knitting. Nothing too eventful. The highlight of my day was having Morgan and Paul show up for a few minutes to see me. Paul sat next to me on the bed and just held me in his arms. I have not been able to lean into his arms since Tuesday. It was so wonderful to be in my husband's arms. After they left, I showered and came out to a freshly made bed (I'm going to get spoiled). I didn't do so hot on my fluids today - only drinking 39 ounces total. I need to do better tomorrow since that is what is keeping my amniotic fluid up. Even though I slept quite a bit this morning, I feel exhausted tonight. It is only 7pm and I'm already to snuggle in for the night. I have my evening NST yet to do however so I will have to wait a while longer before I can do that. I'm excited to be more than halfway done with the week. Each week brings us that much closer to being able to go home.

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